Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why are you doing this to yourself?

This is a pretty reasonable question, when you think about it.  Yes, I did have to give up running about four years ago and, yes, I have missed it.   But what about cycling?  You love cycling, don't you?

Let's not be absurd, of course I love cycling.  My obsession with cycling is in no real danger.  Cycling still provides me with stress release, sunshine, exercise, time alone, and something to "geek out" about.

But running...running, oh how I desire thee!

In Christopher McDougall's book Born to Run, he argues that we were, in fact, born to run.  He proposes that running is part of our physical, mental, and spiritual structure.  The arguement for this is pretty good.  Not definitive, mind you, but it certainly makes sense to me.

From my point of view, running seems to be such a natural thing.  It makes sense to me.  I understand running.  For reasons I cannot wholly explain, it seems like the thing to I should be doing it.

I experience great enjoyment from physical exertion (some would call it self-flagellation).  Typically, the harder I go and the longer I go, the better I feel.  It isn't too long after a particularly brutal ride that I am thinking about doing it again and doing it better (don't ask me to define better, because I'm not usually completely sure).

The thought of coming home from a hard run, tired and sweaty, fills me with peace.  Have you ever felt "right with the world"?  That is how I feel after a hard ride.  It is also how I would feel after a hard run.

Why wouldn't I want that?

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