Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 80 - a day late

I'm starting to enjoy the late evening runs in the dark.  They are done partially out of necessity (it's just easier to do after the kids are in  bed).  Tonight, I could look up and see the stars in the sky.  Everything was quiet.  I didn't see anyone else.  It was sort of like I had the neighborhood to myself.  Relaxing, in a exertional sort of way.

The only downside is that I seem to run more slowly at this time of day.  Why is that?  Not sure, really.  It usually feels like I'm cruising along pretty well, but when I actually check my pace at the end I'm above a 10-minute mile (anything less than a 10-minute mile is a victory for me).
Distance: 2.88 miles (this is the exact same distance as my last run but it was completely an accident that they were identical; I didn't plan it that way)

Weight: 208.8 lbs (Pain Center Downtown scale)

Results: This was a pretty comfortable run.  There started to be a little fatigue in the right calf toward the end, but not too bad overall.  My knee had only the most vague soreness/tightness toward the end.
What I Learned: besides I seem to run more slowly in the evening, not much.  There is a 5k planned next Thursday and I'm confident I'll be able to do it, probably not quickly, but I'll be able to do it.
Plan: Run Thursday, if time allows (it's a busy week).

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