Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 42 & 44 - What was I thinking?

Ok, so it was pretty hot on Friday for my day 42 run (officially 6 weeks in!).  Since I still do not have any shoes, I went up to West Catholic's track again.  As usual, I started running on the grass just on the edge of the infield.  Before the first lap was done, I switched to the track and it felt OK.  As I kept going, I noticed it feeling hotter and hotter on the soles of my feet.  By the time I was done, I realized I had a mild burn on my forefoot with a little bit of blistering (Holy Hot Batman!).  Needless to say, my feet weren't very comfortable that night and the next day.  I was going to goof eventually.  Oh well
Distance: 1.75 miles (7 laps) followed by 2 x 100 yard sprints (I would have done more but my feet did not feel the best)

Weight: never checked

Results: Please see above.
What I Learned: Yes, you can burn the bottom of your feet on a hot, rubberized track.

Day 44

Because of the day 42 debacle, I decided to do mostly sprints on Sunday.  So, back up to West Catholic.

Distance: 0.5 miles warm-up jog --> 50 yard sprint followed by 100 yard sprint (with minimal rest) --> 2 minute rest --> repeat 4 times total --> 0.55 mile cool-down jog
Weight: never checked again

Results: It actually felt pretty good.  The soles of my feet were still a little tender, but not too bad.  One potentially important things is some achiness in left first toe has started to develop.  I believe I have mentioned this before.  The extension ROM has been limited and I have been working on this, but it does get sore.  I can't yet tell whether it is the IP joint or the MTP joint.  After doing some massage yesterday, I have to wonder if it is more of a soft-tissue referred pain.  Time will tell.
What I Learned: Sprints feel pretty good, even if I am really slow.

Plan: Run Tuesday.  What will I do?  I might go back to the valley and run on hard packed dirt/grass to avoid any needless friction.

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