Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 28 & Day 30

Ok, ok, I skipped a day but I do have some pretty reasonable excuses.  First, we had to get packed up to leave for camping on Thursday morning.  Second (and this is the good one), I actually developed an ear infection and had to go to the doctor on Wednesday evening (it kind of felt like my ear was going to explode).  With all that, driving up north and setting up camp, I didn't get to run until Friday morning, where I ran through the Interlochen State Park campground.  On Sunday, after we got home, I went for a bike ride and then stopped at West Catholic to jog around their track.  That run didn't go so well (see below).

Day 28

Distance: 1.45 miles

Weight: didn't check

Results: a little rawness of the feet (I was running on asphalt) but otherwise OK.

Day 30

Distance: maybe 0.5 miles around West Catholic's track.  It was a really hot day and I had already done 15 hard miles on the bike.  I just couldn't keep good form and I felt exhausted.

Weight: once again, didn't check (216.4 on Monday morning on the Pain Center scale)

Results: I was already sore from the weekend of camping and biking, so my lower legs were just tired and achy the rest of the day.  My medial right knee was also a little sore.

What I Learned: trying to run after a hard bike ride on a hot day is just plain not a good idea, at least yet.

Plan: Run on Monday, in the evening, up at the West Catholic track or possibly through my neighborhood (I really need to get some shoes).

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