Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 26 - Making Progress

I managed to get a run in, but not until about 8:30 at night.  Rode Sam the Singlespeed up to West Catholic's track and did 6 laps.  My time was 14:48 for the 1.5 miles.  That seems pretty reasonable.  About 75% of the lap was actually on the grass just at the edge of the track and the other 25% was on the track itself.  This was just to protect my feet.  Even 2 days later, they are still kind of sensitive from the heat on Sunday.
Distance: 1.5 miles

Weight: 214.8 (Pain Center scale)

Results: did pretty well, overall.  No real knee pain.  Not much lower leg or calf fatigue.  It actually felt pretty good.

What I Learned: running in the evening is just plain a good idea on a really hot day.

Plan: Run on Wednesday, probably back up at West Catholic's track.  I think I will stick to 1.5 miles for several sessions to allow adaptation.

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