Thursday, October 4, 2012

I should really know better

Sometimes you have to learn a lesson the hard way.  Sometimes, you have to learn that lesson the hard way several times.  Yesterday was one of those days.

My goal was simple - do a 30 minute run around the neighborhood before going to work.  I saw Hannah off to school and then I took off.

Prior to this, I had ignored the fact that, how should I put it....I had to poop.

Any runner or cyclist will tell you that this sort of thing must be taken care of before setting off.  Failure to follow this rule will, at best, lead to a shortened run/ride.  At worst, you're using leaves in the middle of a grove of trees to wipe your bum, praying that no one sees you.

Yesterday was, fortunately, the best case scenario where my run was shortened to 22 minutes.  When I arrived home, it was straight to the brown room.
On a related note, can you run in a relaxed manner while clenching your sphincter?  Not surprisingly, the answer is no.

There was actually one point at which it felt like my belly might explode from the pressure (yes, I know that wouldn't actually happen but that is what it felt like).  If you had been watching me at that exact moment you might have assumed I was either in great pain or that I was running super-duper hard.  It was neither, of course.  I was trying not to drop a deuce.

So the moral of the story?  Listen to your body.  Take a moment to answer nature's call.

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