I titled this blog Can a Fat Man Run? One would think this was an indication of a strong desire to lose weight through exercise. That doesn't sound unreasonable, does it?
That is not really the case, though. My primary goal for this blog is to document my journey in the process of learning to run again, using a barefoot/natural running style.
Sorry for the confusion.
Would I like to lose some weight? Sure. Has that thought been in the back of my head for quite some time? Yep. Actually, it's been in the back of my mind since I graduated high school (big sigh).
Realistically, I have not had the most success at getting down to a goal weight and keeping it there. Since high school, I can think of 4 distinct time periods where I have lost weight. So, yes, I can lose weight.
For the most part I have gained the weight back, at least partially. Most recently, I went from around 230 lbs to my current weight of 212. I think I bottomed out at like 202 lbs. Oh the 100s, how you taunt me.
Honestly, I'm pretty happy that I have been able to keep myself below 215 lbs. Below 200 would be great but that is tough. It seems logical that if I am exercising more (running and biking vs biking only) I should lose extra weight. It doesn't seem to work that way.
Most likely, if I'm burning extra calories, I will probably consume extra calories. It's a wash. Deep down, I know what I need to do to lose weight...control my appetite. Eat less. It's that simple...but it's not.
I tell myself, "If I get below 200, climbing hills will be faster. If I get below 200, it will be less stress on my knees. If I get below 200, I will be healthier." There are a lot of good reasons.
The trouble is ice cream tastes really good. So does chocolate, and cookies, and chips, and cake (cake, oh how I love thee!) I'm weak. You taunt me and tease me and then leave me with 5 extra pounds I need to burn off on the bike.
Can you imagine if I didn't run and bike? I would be 350 in a heartbeat. Bring on the cholesterol meds and the BP meds and the diabetic meds!
To be perfectly honest, my goal is to keep my weight under control and about where it is right now. That is realistic. If anybody knows of a better path, let me know. I'm open to suggestions.
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